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Foot reflexology

Foot reflexology is the use of massage and acupressure techniques on all of the feet. It is based on a "mapping" of the human body located under both feet and stimulates physical reflex activity.

I can also use it when applying suction cups to complete their work on the body.


I accompany a reflexology session with a series of foot relaxation movements and ankle mobilization. It is indeed important to maintain a good flexibility of the feet and the muscles which compose it. Since the foot is the part of the body in contact with the ground when walking, it absorbs a lot of shocks and tensions. A good flexibility of the foot and the ankle makes it possible to avoid the repercussion of the tensions on the rest of the muscles of the legs but also of the back.

Harmonisation du système digestif
Planche réflexologie et zones réflexes du corps
Détente de la voute plantaire
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